Calculate your solar system


By: Windmar

Calculate your solar system and determine the daily energy use per home or business.

If as a family you have made the decision to make the change towards renewable energy and purchase a solar system, now it is important to know… how is your solar system and your daily energy use calculated?

Being able to carry out the calculation to know exactly the amount of solar panels, batteries and equipment necessary for your home to run as normally as your family is accustomed to, and what the price of the system will be, is complicated. It is advisable to seek the advice of solar energy experts to independently evaluate the needs of each case because no two families (or two consumptions) are the same.

An expert in solar systems with vast experience can help you, first of all, evaluate what the individual needs of your home are, in terms of energy, and from there offer them the best alternatives on the market. However, when requesting this service, it is important that you know the following elements that will help you when knowing how your solar system is calculated.

  • Have on hand the last 12 invoices from your electric company and where the breakdown of consumption by month appears. With this, you can evaluate what the “energy use” is, through the average consumption of kilowatts per hour (KW) needed in a month. It is estimated that, in Puerto Rico, the average KW consumption is between 800 and 1000 KW per month.
  • Look for energy saving alternatives that you can do in your home before converting your system from total energy dependence to a solar system. This includes changing the electric water heater to a solar one and changing major appliances, such as the clothes dryer and stove, to propane gas. These changes will help you reduce energy consumption and help your home run efficiently with a smaller investment in a solar system.
  • It is crucial to make it clear that the size of the house is not the most important thing when calculating what specifications your solar system should have. In this case, it is about knowing what family consumption is, which determines the capacity that the solar system must be able to supply. Factors such as how many people live in the house and their ages, what appliances they use and how much, computers, printers, hair dryers, how many times a week clothes are washed and dried and even how much they cook in the house, are important elements that must be considered when knowing how your solar system is calculated for daily energy use.

Finally, it is important to decide if you want a system that offers total independence, where you can produce your own solar energy and also have a battery system for “back up” or if you only want something partial with some degree of dependence. This decision directly influences the amount of panels and solar energy needed to keep the house running normally at all times.

Making the switch to a solar system not only helps reduce your monthly electricity bill and allows you to enjoy clean, renewable energy every day of the year, but it also reduces the amount of carbon monoxide generated, contributing to reduce global warming. What are you waiting for to calculate your solar system and make the change?

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