Prepare your home and finances for a hurricane


Is a storm or hurricane coming? Did you prepare yourself? These are questions that arise between the months of June to November. It is something that should always be on your mind because we live in the tropics. The important thing is that you have an answer to these questions. Your safety and the safety of your loved ones should be the focus during these months.

Here are some tips to help you get organized and keep your priorities up to date during hurricane season:

Having money saved for emergency situations is key..

Why? Because it is a relief in times of uncertainty. That money will help you buy food, gas and other things, such as basic necessities. Pay attention to your finances this season!

Withdraw cash in advance.

Before, during and after a hurricane, electrical systems can go down. What are you going to do? Be ready! Before an atmospheric event, you should withdraw an amount you find reasonable and store it in a safe place.

Your important documents should be safe.

Don’t lose your passport, birth certificate and other documents in the middle of a hurricane. It may be difficult to retrieve or obtain them again. Store them in advance in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box.

Protect your home as much as possible to minimize damages.

It’s simple. That house is your home that houses your belongings that you have worked so hard to get. Therefore, be sure to put up storm screens, stow items that can be blown away and tie down other heavy items.

Insure your property against any natural disaster.

Choose to protect one of your biggest investments: your home. Although each case is different, your insurance policy can cover you against: fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, among other risks.

Follow these tips and be prepared for whatever comes your way. Hopefully a storm or hurricane won’t hit Puerto Rico! That is everyone’s dream. But, it is always necessary to be prepared, no matter what happens. Remember to be more than ready this season.

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