I want, I desire, I dream: these are dangerous words

Cynthia M. Martínez
Creator of My Barely Famous Life and Founder Lead Up Labs

Sometimes I talk to leaders and they tell me about their goals as if it were a lottery. Betting on a good move of destiny to achieve their goals. Don’t leave to luck. Our mental conditioning depends a lot on how we see life and the role we play in it. There is a great danger if you believe you are a victim. Unfortunately, we create an affair with our goals and begin to view our lives as a melodrama of universal sabotage. It is a giant mistake to think that way since you became a victim of circumstances and are NOT accepting the responsibilities of your life.

Accepting that wanting things does not necessarily move you to achieve your goals. Understanding that wishing and dreaming are only the first step to awakening interest in working on your goal, but it does not guarantee that you will reach it. By seeing the goal more objectively, we take massive action and achieving cumulative results makes us more productive. I would like to help you move from analysis paralysis to intentional action.

Recommendations for being intentional about our actions:

  • Be careful how you start your day. The first 3 hours of the day are crucial and define your intention for progress, supporting you to let creativity flow into your day. Not all mornings are ideal, but at least you control how long you drink your coffee or tea. Maybe the only thing you control is when you are in the car alone. Take advantage of that opportunity to make your affirmations, play music that helps you vibrate positively and show the world that you are more than enough.
  • Talk nice to yourself! This is a gigantic change I made this year. Unfortunately, due to social conditioning, I discovered that I was very contemptuous of myself and didn’t realize it because I thought I was just a joke. It was affecting my self-esteem and wasn’t realizing it. Be careful how you talk to yourself as it greatly defines how you see yourself.
  • Relish the present and learn from the past. We control so little in life and we definitely don’t control situations. We only have to savor the present moment with all the blessing that comes with an attitude of gratitude for the simple things that life gives us. When the past comes to torture you, just answer it with a question so that you can later reflect on it: “What did I learn from this situation?”

Learning to believe in ourselves is more powerful and surely brings you closer to the goal. Unlike wanting, wishing and dreaming. You are a being with so much possibility and I would like that in this time of closing cycles you could see your infinite potential to create your own opportunities and design a life that you love. I hope that today that flame begins to awaken within you that will make you unstoppable.

About the Author:

Cynthia M. Martinez is a rebel with a cause, entrepreneur, and life and business strategist with a specialty in leadership and innovation. As part of her extensive trajectory as a strategist, she has been developing leaders in the field of direct sales, market opening, and consulting at the corporate and SME levels for more than a decade. She is the creator of the social media movement in a blog format called “My barely famous life” in which she equips followers with leadership and technology tools through her educational program. She is also the founder of Lead Up Labs, a digital platform that has all the tangible and digital tools for participants to increase their productivity and achieve their goals.

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