Why don’t college students take massive action?

Cynthia M. Martínez
Creator of My Barely Famous Life and Founder Lead Up Labs

“Your life begins now.” They were the first words I heard when I left my fourth year of high school. My mind panicked and I got analysis paralysis. I didn’t know how to move myself to take action to see the results I needed. And to make matters worse, hearing comments like: “Youth is lost and they are not taking massive action” made me worse. Now, as a strategist and working with multiple universities and organizations that promote youth leadership, I have been able to answer the question that causes so much uncertainty in adults, but is still an enigma among students:

“Why isn’t everyone taking massive action?”

There are three basic reasons why a person, regardless of age, does not take massive action. These are:

  1. Uncertainty or doubts in the process.
  2. Not having a clear or specific objective.
  3. Lack of vision. This is seen mostly in generation Z, since they need a specific visual representation of what they intend to achieve, since their conditioning is largely visual thanks to the social networks that many of them consume.

You already have the reasons why you or your child feel like they are stepping on and not starting with their goals. I recommend that you take a moment out of your day to write about each of the points mentioned above. You must detail your doubts about the processes you are going through, specifically detail your objectives and choose the format of the visual representation of your future, whether it is a mind map or a visualization board. It is essential to combat all the objections that your mind may feel.

I want to detail the importance of taking massive action when you are in the middle of the transition from high school to college. Here I mention three of the most important reasons:

  1. You get results that will help you have healthy self-esteem.
  2. You achieve your goals by being effective in the investment of time.
  3. It allows you to design your future realistically.

I sometimes talk to college students in their first year of studies and they often tell me that people advise them to get out of their comfort zone when talking about their future and that they should think big if they are going to achieve their goals. I want to let you know that thinking big is not enough and sometimes playing from your comfort zone when you are not sure of the path to take is your best option, since you frequently use your strengths to make decisions. I know it doesn’t sound like an expected answer, but from my experience I can assure you that there is no better way than to see your future with your feet firmly on the Earth. Living one day at a time, sitting down to design your vision for the future and taking daily action following the direction of this writing is the best way to work on your goals in a sustainable and profitable way. Do not give up! The voice of experience speaks to you. If I could design a life I love through life’s ups and downs, you can too.

About the Author:

Cynthia M. Martinez is a rebel with a cause, entrepreneur, and life and business strategist with a specialty in leadership and innovation. As part of her extensive trajectory as a strategist, she has been developing leaders in the field of direct sales, market opening, and consulting at the corporate and SME levels for more than a decade. She is the creator of the social media movement in a blog format called “My barely famous life” in which she equips followers with leadership and technology tools through her educational program. She is also the founder of Lead Up Labs, a digital platform that has all the tangible and digital tools for participants to increase their productivity and achieve their goals.

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