Tips to progress

Cynthia M. Martínez
Creator of My Barely Famous Life and Founder Lead Up Labs

In the leadership environment I sometimes see that they misinterpret the word progress as a half-finished job and not a way to positively measure the path to seeing results in a goal. It often bothers me to hear phrases like: “We haven’t reached the goal, but at least we’re still making progress,” “Blessed, he doesn’t give up and we’re making progress little by little,” and I have so many that I don’t even want to continue mentioning them because they bother me even when I think about them. Progress is positive data. Failure is negative data. Progress is an indicator that you are doing something on the way to achieving results in your goal. You just have to reflect on the actions taken and select which one you are going to continue doing since you experienced progress.

Do not distract yourself by falling into the role of victim, since you were romantic with the goal and did not reach the result you wanted by the time you wanted it to be. Fall in love with the process and don’t obsess over the result. Below, I want to give you strategies so you can continue making progress on your goals:

1. Describe and design your ideal life on paper: You must include your family life, your work, your health and financial situation. Add colors and create it with great detail. You can even design a night for yourself, from your favorite food to a drink of your choice to complement the moment in which you design the life you love. That is the moment when you can see your potential. Doing this will help you change your mood and have a more positive perspective on your life.

2. Being fit mentally and physically as a daily task: I am not talking about being bodybuilders and psychologists as a personal goal, it is recognizing that to experience progress our mental and physical health must be at an optimal level to function productively in life. It is constant work, but it is worth every effort we take to achieve it. Schedule a monthly appointment with your mental health professional and do cardiovascular exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

3. Shortcuts to goals only bring consequences that you will regret: Growing like foam is not the same as doing the things you need to complete focused on sustainable and profitable growth. I carry this in my heart, since when I started many people recommended shortcuts and many internet gurus tried to blur my focus by making me think that I had to apply “hacks” to grow. I set my sights on doing things right and nine years later here I am to show you that doing the right things works. Many of those who started their businesses at the same time as me focused on taking shortcuts, had no discipline and today their businesses are not operating.

Fall in love with the process, aim for progress and dream of sustainable growth. Having a new perspective on life will help us work with what we have and not hold back because of what we lack. Contribute to your life with your actions and do not sabotage your goals with your thoughts. You deserve an extraordinary life and that starts with a decision. Decide today to live focused on progress and not perfection. Give yourself the opportunity to design a life you love today, tomorrow and always.

About the Author:

Cynthia M. Martinez is a rebel with a cause, entrepreneur, and life and business strategist with a specialty in leadership and innovation. As part of her extensive trajectory as a strategist, she has been developing leaders in the field of direct sales, market opening, and consulting at the corporate and SME levels for more than a decade. She is the creator of the social media movement in a blog format called “My barely famous life” in which she equips followers with leadership and technology tools through her educational program. She is also the founder of Lead Up Labs, a digital platform that has all the tangible and digital tools for participants to increase their productivity and achieve their goals.

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